
Robert Mondavi, Regina Spektor, The Woman, and The Paper

First off I am drinking a glass of Robert Mondavi Private Selection Vinetta, a blend supposed to represent a Bordeaux I guess. Not much on the nose really, emulates in the flavor as well. Compared to my Bordeaux I had last week which was the same price, a lil more, it doesn't compare. This wine does not stand out at all. Id rate it about a cardboard box.

A cardboard box? what?

I am going to rate wines based on what I would run over with my Jeep to get to the store to buy the wine. For example if a wine was completely bad I would rate it about nothing, or maybe a small bug on my bumper. Or if it was awesome, I would rate it a "full throttled plow through a marching band of little children." So I gave it a "cardboard box." I would run over a cardboard box in the road to get to this wine, basically an average California Mondavi wine.

Anyway Listening to Regina Spektor on youtube because I do not like downloading very much. And I ran into this video of this kid lip syncing Hotel Room here. It's pretty crazy, I dont know how I feel about it.


fuck The Woman


fuck the Semester


Ok I was not going to do THREE (3) posts in one sitting but I am.

It is my blog and I can do what I want.

I want to share some things I love. Right now I am still loving wherethehellismatt. I have just fallen in love with Regina Spektor's On The Radio and That Time. I dont know why but if I hear a song that absolutely like, I listen to it a hundred times. When I first listened to the blue album from Weezer I listened to that so much I went through three copies.

Also Ennio Morricone. I absolutely LOVE movies. I cant get enough, I love good movies, alright movies, and even find humor in some bad movies. (although most movies that are bad make too much money, so they keep making them!) The top five movies that I can spout off right now are Shawshank Redemption, Dear Frankie, Empire Strikes Back, Shine, and The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. What makes The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, besides the fact that no site can recognize that I like it because of the comma's is that it has a phenomenal score. Until you get immersed into the movie and let the score wash over your ears transporting the emotion that you can see brings the movie into that new dimension it deserves. And to have the largest metal band in the world ever cover your song as their headlining super tour at the peak of their popular career is huge, 40 years after the fact the movie came out is absolutely phenomenal.

Whew Mike, take a deep breath and settle down after that sentence.

I am going to have to do a full review of that movie later on. Maybe a review of my top 10 and why.

No picture today because I have already given you enough.... Eh ok. Its me at the counter at work. The cream color box is a 750ml of Gran Patron we are selling for 171 dollars.

I just had an idea, what if someone went around and bought all these expensive bottles from these liquor stores? With the lowering value of the dollar these things are getting cheaper essentially because I bet most of these places dont adjust the price according to inflation on these big ticket once in a year buys. If you waited for the economy to rebound and the dollar to become more valuable, I bet these items could be worth a lot more and their resale value could be tremendous.

my dealings with. i left to go get a beer and i forgot my title

Ok I need to work on 2 things, one is my paper, and the second is proper sentence structure. Including capitalization! And less exclamation points. Anyways, I am tired with the seasonal brews that are being released. The reason is that it is like a stones throw away from Christmas, actually its like 12 days or something but the way its being marketed it would seem like Christmas came and went about 14 times already.
Anyways with all the hearty warming winter beers and christmas spices such as nutmeg and cinnamon does not always make the perfect combination.
The Nutcracker Ale from Boulevard had a pronounced hoppiness to it yet it had a nutmeg flavoring that I did not care for, it also was a little sweet or caramelized as I would have wanted it.
And at the local bar I had the winter beer from Anchor Brewery and it felt like they just dumped a bunch of spices into their porter, which I enjoy very much and feel is a quite good winter beer.
Along with my recent beer rant I have had two different beers tonight. One is Sunset Wheat from Leinenkeugels. And the other is Dancing Man Wheat from New Glarus. On the nose the Sunset Wheat is pronounced fruitiness. And the taste can be described by people as "Fruit Loops." Where I think its just too sweet and too fake fruity. The Dancing Man Wheat however reminded me of pouring almost a hefeweitzen. On the nose it has a fermented yeast smell, like when you mix yeast with sugar and water to make bread but not quite as sour and a hint of nutmeg. The taste reminds me much more of a wheat beer and is very tasty, easy finish. Ultimately one of my favorites out of my sampler pack.
By Thursday ill have up till 25 pages typed, great. I have included two pictures, enjoy. Fucking spiders.


im screaming to get out of my life through my computer
and as i wrote that i killed a white spider, i hate spiders!

my hand of death came blistering through the clouds to smother the sad, short life of the white spider, my one true foe, i demolished completely! inside a kleenex.


Snow in Minnesota

Its snowing, or just snowed to say the least, and all the good citizens with their impromptu plows are saving the city from the icy grips of 6 inches of snow. And every citizen NEEDS to complain "why do I live here?!?" The short answer of course is "because you do, dont like the snow, there is plenty of sun and gravel in Phoenix."

Myself, I like the snow. My childhood was spent creating impenetrable snow forts out of snow plowed piles, flying down our sledding hill on our Nelco's seeing how many people we can jump. (to all you who used a pillow, man up) And any regular on any sledding hill in Minnesota knew that the sleds with the red hand brakes were permanently banned and anyone who showed up with them was laughed at and banned until they could show up with a respectable Nelco, Torpedo, or and unsteerable death saucer (enjoy the barbed wire).
However the snow continues to be an enjoyment for me. Through all the pain and hassles it causes with driving, alternate side parking, and the such, it provides comfort to know that it still snows and it still is Minnesota. What if in 30 years we do not have snow in southern Minnesota anymore, how is that going to affect how we feel as Minnesotans? Thats like if in 20 years the Red Sox moved to Knoxville TN! Would it still be Boston w/o the Red Sox? It would but it wouldn't be the same, or like in the old days. Same with Minnesota and the snow. So they can complain about it all they wish, I myself am going to sit back and enjoy the idiots with the tricked out dodge neons with the spoiler and unpainted body kit hopelessly spinning their inadequate tires going nowhere fast.



vat iz up everyone. omg another created blog, how lame is this, and is this blog created JUST to join a contest, the wine library widget contest?? maybe, you judge, and ill see as this evolves, or goes extinct.